Friday, December 23, 2011

Runner’s Christmas List

With Santa coming tomorrow night, I figured it was time for me to write out my Christmas list.  Since running has been my main hobby of 2011, the things on my list are running related.  Most of the things on my list are things I need for the Disney Princess Half Marathon!

SparkleSkirt:  I want the SparkleLight in Perfect Purple.  It will be perfect for my Rapunzel costume.  I love that the SparkleLights have built in, hidden pockets and that they are flattering to every figure.  I plan to wear this over a pair of black capris.  

Zensah Compression Sleeves:  I need these in purple.  I have them in pink and I love them.  These babies help you avoid shin splints and help with muscle recovery.  Many people don't know this, but marathon runners are more likely to get blood clots due to a lower heart rate. Most of these blood clots form in the calves and then travel to other parts of the body.  Prevent this by using compression sleeves during and after a race--especially if you have to sit on a long drive or flight home after the race.  Safety first!  

Asics 2170’s:  Yes, I did just get a new pair of Brooks.  My Asics are my old favs, and these come in purple! I love the new design and fit.  Even if I absolutely love my new Brooks, I will still have to get a new pair of this shoes.  

Adidas Squad bag:  I saw this bag at Dick’s last weekend and loved it!  It is the perfect size to carry all to running gear and it has a special zipped section for shoes. Such a great idea and the perfect way to carry on all my race stuff on my flight to Orlando. 

Tiara:  Every princess needs a tiara.  Now I need mine.  I am not sure how I will get it to stay put during the race, so I need it now to practice. I am not really to picky about what tiara I get, it just has to be really pretty. 

The perfect top for my Rapunzel costume:  Santa can work his magic on this one.  I have no idea where or what I want for this one yet.  Any ideas?

I sure hope Santa reads my blog!  What is on your Christmas wish list this year? 

A dream is a wish…


***Let's connect on Facebook and Twitter!  Click on the links to the right. 


  1. I am in love with the sparkle skrit - one in green would be perfect for the Tinkerbell Half.

    I've been reading your blog for a bit, but this is my first comment. Love your posts and thanks for the helpful info.

  2. Thanks for reading Jennifer! The green SparkleSkirt would be perfect for the Tink. Please let me know how you like it!

  3. I hope Santa will be very nice to you Amy! That's a great list.

  4. I just discovered your blog and actually just bought the 2170s yesterday. I shall try them out tomorrow.

  5. Thanks Christy! Let me know what you think of them!
