Thursday, January 5, 2012

Team in Training

As you know, I have big plans for this New Year.  I plan to do at least five half marathons.  One of those half marathons I have planned is the Disneyland Half Marathon on September 2.  To do this half marathon, I told you I was going to sign up with Team in Training through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Well, I guess it’s true that if you put it out there, the universe makes it happen.  Right after I posted about wanting to do the Disneyland Half with TNT, I saw on Facebook that TNT is having free registration this week.  As of right now, you can only sign up for races in the spring and summer so I am signed up to do the San Diego Rock n' Roll Half Marathon on June 3.  TNT assures me that when they start registering for the DL half, it is easy to switch races (although running in San Diego sounds pretty cool too!)

I am so excited about this!  I am excited about running the in Disneyland, but I am also excited about helping cancer patients.   I have spent a lot of time in the past three years in hospitals, especially the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.   I have had the privilege of meeting lots of families with children fighting cancer in the hospital waiting rooms, in the cafeteria and at the Ronald McDonald House.  The strength and courage of these families has always astounded me.  I had a hard time dealing with what was going on with my daughter and it was nowhere near as serious as what some of these families were facing.  I am so thankful I have the opportunity to help them. 

If you have any interest in joining me and doing a TNT event, the coupon code for free registration is GREAT DEAL.  So here I go with my first ever request for donations:  Please help me raise money tohelp fight blood cancer!  I will have a TNT button on my blog so you can come back at any time to donate. Thanks!

A dream is a wish…



  1. Thanks for doing this! We've spent time at CHOP as well (not for cancer- something else) and they are amazing people there!

  2. This is a wonderful cause! I'm so glad you're going to be a part of this team.
